Mortgage options to buy AND renovate a home

If you're a home buyer looking to purchase a property that needs renovations, you may be wondering how to finance the cost of those renovations. Fortunately, there are options available that allow you to include renovation costs in your mortgage.

One option is to consider a purchase plus improvement mortgage. This type of mortgage allows you to borrow additional funds on top of your mortgage to cover the cost of home improvements. The amount you can borrow will depend on the value of the home after the improvements are made, and you'll need to provide detailed plans and cost estimates for the renovations you plan to make. Once the renovations are complete, the lender will verify that the work has been done and release the additional funds.

It's important to note that not all lenders offer these types of mortgages, and the requirements and restrictions can vary. For example, some lenders may require that you use a licensed contractor to complete the renovations, while others may allow you to do the work yourself. Additionally, the renovations must typically add value to the home, so cosmetic upgrades may not be eligible.
Another option to consider is the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's (CMHC) Improvement program. This program offers mortgage loan insurance that allows homeowners to purchase and renovate a property with a single mortgage loan.
The CMHC Improvement program provides homeowners with the flexibility to finance their renovations while taking advantage of mortgage loan insurance. With this program, you can borrow up to 95% of the "as-improved" value of the home. The amount you can borrow will depend on the appraised value of the home after the renovations are complete.
To qualify for the program, the total cost of renovations must not exceed $40,000 or 10% of the as-improved value of the home. The renovation work must also be completed within 12 months of the mortgage loan's advance date.
The CMHC Improvement program offers many benefits, including the ability to customize your home to your needs and preferences. You can also increase the value of your home with renovations, which may provide an opportunity for you to build equity. Additionally, the mortgage loan insurance provided by the CMHC Improvement program may result in a lower down payment and interest rate.

When considering a renovation mortgage or the CMHC Improvement program, it's important to work with a mortgage broker or lender who has experience with these types of loans. They can help you understand the requirements and restrictions, and guide you through the application process.

In conclusion, if you're a Canadian home buyer looking to finance renovations, a purchase plus improvement mortgage or CMHC Improvement program can be a great option. Be sure to work with a knowledgeable lender or broker and provide detailed plans and cost estimates for the renovations you plan to make. With the right financing in place, you can turn a fixer-upper into your dream home.